#34. ‘Disturbed Reality’ oil on linen. 90x60cm.

'Disturbed Reality' oil on linen. 90x60cm

#34… I finished what I intended to do a few weeks ago. …I think it works. So this might also be a perfect opportunity to let everyone know that I’ve decided to stop taking drugs. All of them. I don’t want ’em anymore. …(But hey!- They were fun while they lasted!!!) https://www.reinerebert.com/my-demons/#Disturbed-Reality


'Gain Everything' oil on linen. 80x40cm

Well fellas!…..I’m super happy with this one!…I had a few painting failures this year- but I guess that’s part of the learning process… I’m so very glad to be ending this year on a high!!! https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Gain-Everything

#32. ‘Disturbed Reality’ (study) oil on panel 54.5x41cm

'Disturbed Reality' (study for larger painting). oil on panel. 54.5x41cm

Well, this is a sad day for me fellas!……But it is also a triumphant one too! https://www.reinerebert.com/my-demons/#Disturbed-Reality-study

meet Taahira.

Hey fellas!- A funny thing happened to me a while ago…I dropped way too much acid!…See, I hadn’t taken it in a while and it changed colour in the bottle -And I thought it would be less potent…BOY!- WAS I WRONG!!- MAN!.. WHAT A RIDE!!!….. I think I went to Jupiter and back!!!….But hey!- Now… Continue reading meet Taahira.

37th Chelsea International Fine Art Competition Exhibition:- Agora Gallery, New York City. 22-29August 2023.

Hey Fellas!….Got some wonderful news for ya’s! -Well, for me actually… I’ve received the great honour of being one of the 32 artists lucky enough to have been chosen to have some of their works shown at the prestigious Agora Gallery in New York, for their upcoming 37th Chelsea International Fine Art Competition Exhibition, which… Continue reading 37th Chelsea International Fine Art Competition Exhibition:- Agora Gallery, New York City. 22-29August 2023.

#28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

'Mama-Bear' oil on panel. 54.5x41cm

This painting is dedicated to a dear, old friend of mine in Australia….And all you other savage ladies out there!! …… I wasn’t planning on doing another painting for a bit, as I have a lot of work to do outside on my new studio building while the weather is good….But this issue was bugging… Continue reading #28…’Mama-Bear’ oil on panel. 54.5x41cm.

#27…’Bubbles’oil on linen. 100x75cm.

'Bubbles' - oil on linen. 100x75cm.

I’m so lucky to have some wonderful friends in my life!…Check out my latest collaboration!…She’s a real beauty!!…… You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/b-a-s-e-life/#Bubbles

#26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

'CANCEL THIS!!!' oil on linen. 105x60cm.

…Just a little reminder that we should all use a bit of common sense and make sure we get a balanced perspective! Remember!…THE PRICE OF FREE SPEECH… IS FREE SPEECH!!! Ok…So I re-painted ‘CANCEL THIS!!!’….My cock was a little too distracting in the composition, so had to change angle….And it lacked the right attitude painting… Continue reading #26…’CANCEL THIS!!!’ oil on linen. 105x65cm.

#25…Ughaan-Attitude! oil on panel. 31×22.5cm.

'Ughaan'- Attitude. oil on panel 31x22.5cm

#25 ‘Ughaan-Attitude’….Another painting of Ughaan – This time with attitude! ……You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below. https://www.reinerebert.com/my-love/#ughaan-attitude