#24-Who’s the daddy?!

'WE THINK WE ARE FREE' oil on panel. 31x22.5cm

#24-Wait a minute!-I know there are levels to this shit and I’m definitely nowhere near the top!!….But this one only took 16 hours over 2 days!- I’m getting there!…It’s called ‘WE THINK WE ARE FREE’…This painting is the study for a much larger version I plan to do in the future…You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking on the link below… I wanna shout out to my nephew Junain for being the model for this painting!- Thanks!….Hey I got some advice for ya!…You’re a good looking fella and probably gonna do well with the ladies!…..Just remember where you are kid!… Rubber-up! before you rub-her-up!…In fact double up on that shit! – Chicks are way looser than they were in my day!….And make sure you put it on yourself!- Can’t trust (not generalising) the ladies and their fingernails!…Some of ’em are gonna wanna try and trap you!…..And one last thing…If you’re out of it and not quite sure about a chick! – Whatever you do! – DON’T go down on her!!-(I’ve heard too many stories!!!)

You can read all about the inspiration behind this painting by clicking the link below.
